Meet Gary Thompson

I love Tulsa! And I love KXOJ. KXOJ was here for me my senior year in high school right after I got saved. I decided I wanted to be a part of the radio station that helped me stay strong in my faith. So I made a demo tape and sent it in. And KXOJ gave me my first full-time radio job ONE WEEK BEFORE I graduated from high school in 1993! I worked the overnight, afternoon, midday, & weekend shifts on KXOJ from ’93 to 95. And it was the best start in Christian radio a guy could ever get!

I was blessed to return to KXOJ from 2002 to 2006. And I recently returned for a THIRD time to KXOJ in May of 2014. THEY KEEP PULLING ME BACK IN! Seriously, it’s hard to leave the place I call home. KXOJ and Tulsa have ALWAYS been home.

Our family spends our free time riding our bikes during the 10 minutes of predictable Oklahoma weather. Maybe we’ll see you around!