Food For The Poor Radiothon February 25th & 26th

Food For The Poor Radiothon February 25th & 26th

What if you couldn’t feed your children for a day or even two? What if every 8-pound gallon of water your family used for hygiene or drinking meant a long and dangerous trip?

Because of rising food prices, economic decline, and the impact of natural disasters, Food For The Poor ministry partners in many of the countries where we serve are seeing a rise in the number of families unable to provide their children with even the basics for life- food and water.

For many communities, access to water means a long and dangerous journey to a stagnant puddle or trench. Because of drought, wells that once flowed with water are dry.

 The Impact of Your Gift

  • FFTP is prepared to supply non-perishable food items and high vitamin/protein-enriched meals to the children and families hardest hit by rising food prices and shortages through the local church and trusted ministry partners
  • Feeding Centers focus on those at-risk and greatest in need to provide life-saving food distribution
  • Nutritional Recovery Centers target mothers and children suffering from acute malnutrition and extreme food insecurity
  • Water projects are tailored to each community’s specific needs. Water treatment centers, wells, and piping systems can transform the health and future for a community.

For families throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, these challenges are an everyday reality but you can change that for a child and provide paths out of poverty.

KXOJ listeners like you have given and made the difference in lives, here is their why…

Join us all day Tuesday, February 25th, and Wednesday morning, February 26th as we as a KXOJ family strive to change the lives of these children and families.

You can give by calling 855.880.3663 (FOOD), or texting the word FOOD to 93999. You can also give online by clicking here.