We had the honor of speaking with Ed Pulido on our show who is also a speaker at this year’s MAN UP OK Event at Venue 68. He is a highly decorated veteran and very inspiring speaker. Click below to hear the interview edited for air. The other is the interview as it originally happened.
Major Ed Pulido, U.S. Army (Ret.) is the Vice President of the Folds of Honor Foundation a Veteran’s charity which provides the spouses and children of the fallen and wounded educational scholarships. Additionally, he is the Founder of Warriors for Freedom a leadership institute focused on the mental, physical and holistic recovery of our wounded warriors and their families. Finally, Major Ed is the Founder of Patriots for Warriors and Warrior Nation, a company focused on the rights of liberty, freedom and patriotism. Major Pulido has a degree in Military Science, Marketing, and Criminal Justice and a Masters Degree in Logistics Management/ Human Relations. He attained the Rank of Major in his 19-year military career and on May 16, 2005, he was medically retired from the United States Army.
On the 17th of August, 2004, Major Pulido hit an Improvised Explosive Device (I.E.D) or roadside bomb while serving with the Coalition Military Assistance Training Team under the command of General David Petraeus. Due to the extensive injuries to his left knee, doctors had to amputate his left leg on October 1, 2004. For his heroism and valor on that August day, the President of the United States along with General David Petraeus awarded him the Bronze Star with valor, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal, and Joint Service Commendation and Achievement Medals.
Find out more at foldsofhonor.org